
Got Questions? Let’s Get Some Answers.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will Dark Matter be available for purchase?

Great question. That’s up to the publishing gods. I pray to them daily so I hope soon. Why not join the mailing list to be sent an email when it’s about to release.

Why did you become a writer?

Honestly? Jealousy. Watching new authors light up with excitement over their latest novels while running my bookshop turned me a lovely shade of neon green. I figured, why cheer from the sidelines when I could join the game?

How did you get your debut story accepted by a publisher?

I’ll admit, I had a bit of an advantage—a good friend in publishing (albeit in a different field) connected me with the right people. So yes, I cheated a little! That said, we chose a smaller publishing house for this first book to test the waters before aiming for a larger one.

Are there any more books on the way?

Yes! I am working on three at the moment.

Where do you get the ideas from?

I simply have an over active imagination. I ask loads of questions and daydream a lot. Some of those day dreams end up getting written down.

What is your process for writing?

It all starts with daydreaming—usually while I’m driving or hiking. When an idea sparks (and I like it—that’s key), I grab my smartphone and open the built-in notes app. I use voice-to-text to dictate an outline and keep adding ideas as they come. Once I’m back at my computer, I copy and paste the concept into a dedicated folder for future reference. This way, I can juggle multiple stories at once without losing track of inspiration.

Do you read story ideas from budding authors?

It all starts with suggestion right? I don’t want to inadvertently steal your ideas and make them my own because I forgot I read your concept. I’d be happy to read Advanced Reading copies once the book is well, a book.

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